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Auto-update, email list, etc.



I have been using Nitro for a long time, through a number of versions and for the past few years the Pro version.

I have always wondered why Nitro does not have an "auto update" feature like other programs.

And in the absence of that, why is there no notification via email or other route for registered users that an update is available?

Every time over the past few years I stumbled upon an upgrade, usually as a result of a frustration.  One instance today was the disappearance once again of

I don't mean for this message to focus on tweaks, improvements, bugs or frustrations from whatever cause. 

I value the program highly, and like it to be given the best opportunity to continue to satisfy my needs.  I would encourage you to add some way for registered users to know when a download of a new update or upgrade is available.

As an aside, but something that is related, if the answer is an email list, I would like more regular information about features I am not using, and Q&A about new features being recommended or developed. 

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Allain Umailin

Hello @roguefriar,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

At this time, our Check for Updates feature is currently unavailable because our development team disabled it and haven’t bring it back. As much as I would like to provide you when this feature will be up again, there is no ETA from their team.

Please be aware that you can find our most up to date versions posted at our websites here and you need to visit these pages from time to time:

With regards to the Release Notes with Features and Enhancements, you may visit this page: https://www.gonitro.com/nps/product-details/release-notes

In line with your feedback to have a regular auto-generated email message to be sent to customers when there is an update available, I will forward it immediately to our management team because we are always looking to improve our support coverage that is why customer’s feedback are important to us..


Thanks for choosing Nitro Pro!

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