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'Auto' Table of Contents using Bookmarks & Page No's?


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Hi All,

We build many 400+ page AS9201 aerospace documents using Nitro Pro 10.

As you can imagine navigating these documents can be tricky so we're looking to make a Table of contents/index to help navigate them.

We spend the day trying to find a way of using Nitro to build a table of contents we could use in our document, but we're surprised not to find this feature so wanted to ask if we have over looked it? 

If we add a bookmark for each page and Nitro automatically provides page numbers (as it does in the page preview window) it has all the data required to automatically provide this and save the user hours of time. Plus if any changes where made to the document the table would automatically update to reflect it!

This would be such a fantastic feature, we have our fingers crossed we have over look it ;)






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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

There's a couple of things you could try, but I'm not entirely sure they will get you what you want.

Under the Edit tab, there's two options- Bookmark & Link.

Under Bookmark, there's Auto-Build Bookmarks.

When you open that, you point Nitro to what the different levels of the bookmarks should be based on the text styling.

This roughly sounds like a table of contents.

Under Link, there's Auto Page Links, which will create links to the page numbers from the existing table.

There's more details on these options in the Nitro 10 user guide (available by pressing F1) or downloadable here: http://install.nitropdf.com/pro10/nitro-pro-10-user-guide-en.pdf

If you are creating the documents in Word first, and then converting them to PDF with Nitro 10, you have some additional options.

Under the Nitro 10 tab in Word, there's the an option to Convert Links, and to Convert Heading Styles to Bookmarks.


Hopefully this is what you are looking for- either way, it would be nice to know if this worked or not.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Thanks for your reply.

Yes I did see this option but our documents are to mixed to use this feature.

All we need is the book mark tab to include the page numbers, we could them use it to build a index for our documents.

I seems to be an essential & easy to implement feature which has been overlooked /:

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