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Requiero desvincular mi licencia

JuanC Valenciano

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JuanC Valenciano

Requiero colaboración, porque la licencia asociada a mi correo, me indica que ya están en uso, actualmente no tengo mi nitro pro 11 activo, ya que, la compu se daño y la tuvieron que formatear, por lo que requiero que me ayuden a reestablecerla para vincularla de nuevo a mi equipo

Translation: I require collaboration, because the license associated with my email, indicates that they are already in use, currently I do not have my nitro pro 11 active, since, the computer was damaged and they had to format it, so I require that they help me to restore it to link her back to my team

Edited by Leslie V.
Translated to English
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  • Official Nitronaut
Leslie Villarin

Hello @JuanC Valenciano

Thank you for contacting us - I'm happy to assist you.

I released your key so you can reactivate. Can you please try again and let me know how that goes?

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