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Romilda P. Smith

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Romilda P. Smith

#1 How do I change the scan settings. It's default is legal size paper. I want it to stay on 8.5x11. I also want to save the location where scans etc. save.

#2 I have just upgraded to 13. The screen is bluryfuzzy. Is there a way to fix that?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Romilda P. Smith,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

To address the second issue, kindly run Nitro Pro with higher DPI mode by referring to these steps:

1. Right-click Nitro Pro desktop shortcut or the NitroPDF.exe (by default is installed in C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro\13) then select Properties
2. Nitro Pro Properties window will open, click on Compatibility tab
3. Under Settings, click on Change high DPI settings.
4. Another Nitro Pro Properties window will open.
5. Enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior'
6. OK > OK to save the setting and test Nitro Pro again.

For the first concern you raised, I believe this is a setting that's within the scanner itself, not with your Nitro Pro program.

Thank you for choosing Nitro and I hope this helps!

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