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Business pricing required

Aaron Hudson

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Aaron Hudson

I have put 2 separate contact forms in and it has been over a week now with no response.

The representative on the live chat requested that i messaged you this way to pass it on to sales.

We require the pricing to install onto a terminal server?


Can you help?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Aaron Hudson,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

To further assist you, please provide me with the following information:

-Full Name:
-Business Email:
-Business Phone:
-Company Name:
-No. of Employees:
-No. of Potential Users:
-How many users will connect to the terminal server to access Nitro Pro?:
-Are your users working with virtual machines or physical? If virtual, is it VMWare, Citrix or Hyper-V?:
-Are the machines hosted locally or in a cloud environment? What kind of cloud environment?:

Thanks for choosing Nitro and I hope this helps!

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