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The page is not displaying like Adobe Reader(not clearly)

Julian Castello

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Julian Castello


with some PDF, we have a problem to have a clear text. 

In Adobe Reader :



In Nitro Pro



I searched for a special option to solve that but i don't find.

Any idea?


Thank you !

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @AF International,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

If you have Windows 10, kindly run Nitro Pro with higher DPI mode by referring to these steps:
1. Right-click Nitro Pro desktop shortcut or the NitroPDF.exe (by default is installed in C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro\12) then select Properties
2. Nitro Pro Properties window will open, click on Compatibility tab
3. Under Settings, click on Change high DPI settings.
4. Another Nitro Pro Properties window will open.
5. Enable Override high DPI scaling behavior.
6. OK > OK to save the setting and test Nitro Pro again.

But if you have Windows 7 and options are grayed-out, please refer to this MS article. Please note that this will impact ALL applications, not just Nitro Pro:

This article should explain why those options are grayed-out in Windows 7:

Thanks for choosing Nitro Pro and I hope this helps!

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Julian Castello

Hello, i tested your proposition and it doesn't solve the problem :(. 

Note that you suggestion is only possible on Windows 10 1803 (the option  Change  high DPI ). On Windows 10 1703, this option is not present.

I have the problem on the 2 versions of Windows 10 (1703 and 1803).

Do you have another proposition to test?

Thank !

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @AF International,

Thanks for your patience in following the steps and for letting me know it didn't help.

To further troubleshoot this issue, kindly run Nitro Pro with Compatibility mode by referring to these steps:
1. Right-click Nitro Pro desktop shortcut or the NitroPDF.exe (by default is installed in C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro X) then select Properties
2. Nitro Pro Properties window will open, click on Compatibility tab
3. Under Compatibility Mode, tick the box for 'Run this program in compatibility mode for', click the drop-down arrow and select Windows 7 if you're using Windows 10.

Thanks for choosing Nitro Pro and I hope this helps!

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @AF International,

Thanks for your response and patience.

If the sample file doesn't have sensitive information, please send me a private message and provide a copy of the file so I could replicate it on my end.

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. 

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