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Activation & Nitro Pro 11 vanishes at 45 & 75 dys. Nice touch.


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I paid 160 dollars for Nitro Pro 11 in May of 2018. I activated this product prior to the 14 day "Free Download" expired. At 45 & 75 days product simply stopped reading PDF documents, folder of program emptied out. Error message blithely reports: "service does not have sufficient privileges. Please reinstall"  I cannot reinstall using my  Cleverridge CD due to endless errors. So reinstall each time via "Free 14 day trial".  When I move to "Help," then to About to "Activate", my serial number already present. This time I cannot reinstall at all: Error Nitro Pro setup has failed. I copied below what I am supposed to attempt for THIS problem. Really? I am an elderly woman and I think these steps are quite intimidating & time wasting.

I never DO learn my actual license number when I plug my serial number in at https://licenses.gonitro.com/prd/portal. This site gives back to me my serial #, version (11), status (active), Number of Activations (1), Number of Activations Allowed (2)  I have read through all 13 pages on the topic of activation/ installation. I tried to learn more at Cleverbridge but failed as site geared for sales to businesses.  I do not know why the CD is blocked on my computers nor why I must redownload 11 every month or so, & why it already had my serial number listed, nor why now it blocks entirely. I was directed through a long legal sheet I was told I must agree to such as why Nitro can never be sued. You think not? I have adjusted security settings, permissions etc to see if any will improve the situation and checked all Windows update involvement. Did NOT buy MS office at Online Marketplace nor using my laptop which has Windows 10

I saw (added below) some of the  "Simple" (nonsuccessful, according to the community) ways proposed for Activation. My issue is A) I can't get Nitro to stay on ONE computer. (I would like to add it to a 2nd & do have Error message service does not have sufficient privileges. Please reinstall"  [ Windows 8.2 ]    B)  Nitro Pro vanishes every month or so even though I HAVE activated.  C) I can't reinstall via the CD from Cleverbridge  D) Now I can't even reinstall via the "Free Trial 14 day". Error Nitro Pro Setup Has Failed E.) Are you going to pay ME for all this wasted time?!

I worried about buying a program so poorly from Nitro that they blocked all ability to ask questions save if a consumer would pay money not only for the software but for answering questions then about the software. Great concept. Build a bad product & get rich when it doesn't work! The rest of us are told to beg ideas from fellow sufferers for help--and reminded we can buy into answers from "Nitro Plus"! Nice conflict of interest. Make it worse so you get richer,  doesn't say much about your product, does it? Would you buy a car, a toaster, or anything else & be forbidden to call the store for problems or questions w/in 48 hours? Would you just then wander the neighborhood asking why it didn't start, fell into pieces, or sparked  & died? Would the store owner cross his arms & say only,  "I may let you can buy my special expensive deal where I will take your calls beyond 48 hours of things falling apart but it will cost you. No? Then good luck!"

I did email w/in 48 hours about a problem f the pages coming in reverse order (not a problem with Adobe or Fox) but was told they were backed up with emails and, as it would take another 24 hours to answer my query fell beyond 48 hours so it would not be answered and I should write the community or purchase Nitro Plus. I bet they get behind!


Copy of suggestions to fix activation found on Community Pages. 


Let us try some troubleshooting by referring to these steps:
1. Clear the content of the directory under C:\users\your_username\Appdata\local\temp. For whatever reason, not all temp files automatically remove themselves and is NOT usually caused by Nitro Pro files.

2. Download and run MS FixIt: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed

3. Reboot your machine.
4. Please clear all your downloads folder or delete all downloaded Nitro installers. This step is important because we noticed that if you are saving all the installers and you download them in the same folder (like the downloads folder), the EXE can pick up any MSI installed in that folder and you may pick-up one of the older builds instead of the newly downloaded package.

5. Download and install Nitro Pro using offline installers:

x64 http://install.nitropdf.com/professional_1108470/en/burn/nitro_pro11_ba_x64.msi
x32 http://install.nitropdf.com/professional_1108470/en/burn/nitro_pro11_ba_x86.msi

If you are not sure which to pick, this will help: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/64/000001874

6. After installation, you can activate by opening Nitro Pro, clicking on the Help tab > About Nitro Pro > Activation and entering your serial number.

B)  When Nitro fails to download:

*1.* Right-click on the Start button [image: image_thumb[2][4]]
<https://www.wintips.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/image_thumb24-2.png> and
choose *Command Prompt (Admin).*

*2. *At command prompt window type the following command & hit *Enter.*

- takeown /F "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps"

* Note: The above command will assign the ownership of the folder
"C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps" to the current logged on user.

*3.* Next give this command:

- takeown /F "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps" /r /d y

* Note: The above command will assign the ownership of the
"C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps" *sub folders and files* to the current logged
on user.

*4.* Next give this command:

- icacls "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps" /grant Administrators:F

*Note: The above command will assign Full Control permissions to the folder
"C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps" for all Administrators users.

*5.* Next give this command:

- icacls "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps" /grant Administrators:F /t

*Note: The above command will assign Full Control permissions to the folder
"C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps" *and its sub folders and files* to all
Administrators users.

*6.* Finally assign the ownership of "WindowsApps" folder, back to the
TrustedInstaller account, which is the Default owner of the folder.

- icacls "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps" /setowner "NT

*7.* From now on you should have full access rights to the "WindowsApps"

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  • Official Nitronaut
Leslie Villarin

Hello @Mary98826,

I sincerely apologize for the frustration this has caused.

To address the  "service does not have sufficient privileges..."  error, could you please check to see if Nalpeiron Licensing Service is running in the background when you try to run Nitro Pro?

To check please do the following:

1. Go to Start and type services.msc and then hit Enter

2. Scroll down until you see ‘Nalpeiron Licensing Service’ and then double-click it

3. Check that the Startup Type: is set to Automatic and that the Service Status: is set to Running - if it isn't click on Start.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello @Leslie V.,


We have the same issue and when we tried to manually start the service we get the following message : "Nalpeiron licensing service could not start error 1722 the RPC server is unavailable".


We tried with local admin rights and Antivirus/Firewall disabled on the computer.

We even tried with the Service Repair Utility available on your website but it doesn't change nothing.


The installation went well on all of the other computer that are running the same OS and antivirus without any issues.


Thank you,


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On 8/23/2018 at 9:29 AM, Leslie V. said:

Hello @Mary98826,

I sincerely apologize for the frustration this has caused.

To address the  "service does not have sufficient privileges..."  error, could you please check to see if Nalpeiron Licensing Service is running in the background when you try to run Nitro Pro?

To check please do the following:

1. Go to Start and type services.msc and then hit Enter

2. Scroll down until you see ‘Nalpeiron Licensing Service’ and then double-click it

3. Check that the Startup Type: is set to Automatic and that the Service Status: is set to Running - if it isn't click on Start.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Sorry, for not logging back in sooner. Nalpeiron Licensing Service already IS running on Automatic. Not issue.  Bought a second product SLIGHTLY less expensive and it does not deactivate so quickly. Perhaps you should warn purchasers of Nitro Pro brief & expensive reign

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