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Does Nitro 12 now require payment for general bug fixes??


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I have been using Nitro for some time and was considering rolling it out to the rest of our small office with version 12. But the product description seems to indicate that unless I pay the extra $49.99 or $29.99, I won't be entitled to ANY product updates. Even for fixes. Version 10 and 11 had many small issues that required regular patching to make sure the software ran optimally. I can understand if the software assurance (or whatever it's called now )is required to update from v12 to v13, but updating the v12.0 to v12.1 update to fix any issues or bugs that have arisen in the program shouldn't require a subscription fee. I would appreciate if somebody could clarify this point.

Also, is there a Small Business license option for less than 11 users? While I may need the upgrade rights for all users, only 1 or 2 users need the premium support access.

Thank you.

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