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Ending the Trial Early


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I need to test the free version of Nitro, but I can't really wait two weeks for the install to expire on its own. Is there some method of ending the trial early?

I did a search, but for some reason the topic of giving up extra free benefits ahead of schedule doesn't seem to be a frequently pondered issue.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Leslie Villarin

Hello @JYork,

Thank you for posting on our Community Forums!

It will automatically expire in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, there is no method to let it expire early, but you can always choose to uninstall it. Uninstalling cancels the trial.

I hope that helps!

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Sadly it doesn't, but I suspected as much. I am trying to see if the program will still do what a client requires after the trial expires because he has a specific (and limited) needs but his usage will run for about 4 weeks. The last thing I want to do is recommend a product, then halfway though find out that it stopped doing what he needs. Uninstalling is always a fine way to stop a trial early, but in this case is, unfortunately, counter-productive.

I'll let it run its course so I can at least test it out in a couple weeks, but I guess I'll just have to go a different route with this client. Thank you for trying to help me with my off-the-wall request.

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