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Different ways to flatten



Here are the problems I'm encountering with flattening:

- I cannot flatten individual items leaving form fields or other notes;
- I can only flatten items when saving a flattened PDF; and
- when I save a Flattened PDF, I have to remember to set it back to Standard PDF when saving the next file

In other PDF programs I've used (Qoppa PDF coming to mind), you can flatten individual items without flattening any other items. This is helpful for us when we use something like QuickSign, where I can approve a request while leaving some form fields available for others who might also approve the document, but need to add data into form fields.

As well, since you can only flatten a PDF when saving it, you have to remember to change the save setting back to Standard PDF when saving the next file, or you could risk ruining a PDF in progress (don't ask how I learned this!).

It would be nice to have the ability to flatten individual items as well as an option to flatten all items in a document. That way, you can pick and choose individual items, or you can have it flatten the whole thing. And you don't have to worry about accidentally ruining the next file you touch. It also means that I don't have to use the Save As dialog box when saving the flattened file.


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Steven Zakulec

There is a Flatten Item or Flatten Selection, but it appears to be only for annotations/markups of any kind. If you use the Select tool, and make a selection box around what you want to flatten and then right-click on the item, you get the options of Flatten Selection or Flatten All.

Hopefully this helps- sorry it wasn't more intuitive.

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Sorry... different account. This one's my work one. Somehow I missed your reply, and am just seeing it now.

Thanks for the input. I'll try that out. I did test it on my signature (QuickSign) and it would not let me flatten it using the select tool. That's the primary thing I want to flatten on a day-to-day basis. Using PDFStudio on my Linux box, I can just right-click and select flatten object. It would be nice to have the same option here.

At the very least, it would be nice to have Nitro allow you to do a one-time save as Flattened PDF without having to remember to change it back to a Standard PDF when saving the next document.

Thanks again!


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Allyson Hamilton

I know this is an old post, but from my experience as soon as you save a document you have applied your QuickSign signature to, the signature is automatically flattened. You don't have to change the type or take any additional steps to flatten.



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