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Erase section Blur tool in addition to Whiteout tool




I understand that under the "erase" section there are several tools that facilitate redaction. However, there is only one tool (to the very left), called "whiteout". Using this tool comes in handy sometimes, but it is also somewhat of a red flag for seemingly or purposefully hiding,  altering the document. I'd love to see a proper "Blur" tool. That one can define the pixelation amount and select an area to becomes pixelated, and thus unreadable (redacted) to the end user. This shows trust. It would still show that there is data behind it, but for x and sensitive reasons, the selected data cannot be shown in clear text to the recipient.

Please, please. I have had to use Snagit (TechSmith) for these occasions all the time and wish I could do it all within a proper PDF editor. In fact, you might be the very first PDF editor to implement this feature, as I have not seen it anywhere else. If I do, I might switch. I have been a loyal Nitro customer for years, but someone is going to beat you to it. It seems like such a trivial feature... this is not a threat, but it is a real necessity for me, and I suspect for many of your end users too. 


Miguel Moreno

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @mmoreno@bitcoinero.com,

Thanks for posting on our community forums!

We are always looking to improve Nitro Pro that is why customer’s feedback are important to us.

If you would like to request a change in how Nitro handles Whiteout tool or add another 'Blur' tool, you can submit the request directly to our Product Team using the link: https://community.gonitro.com/forum/12-product-improvement/

While we cannot guarantee each feature request submitted will be granted, rest assured our development team will be notified through above website and all updates will be available on this page: https://www.gonitro.com/nps/product-details/downloads

Please check for updates on page above from time to time.


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Steven Zakulec

I've tried out some approaches to this, and there's nothing that gets you all the way, but depending on what compromises you're willing to make, you can get close here.

The Whiteout and Mark for Redact tools are the only ones that actually remove the content as part of the process, so if you don't want to have to remember to delete the content you're blurring, you need to use one of those.

If what you're looking for is a generic blurred text look where the content is, you could make a custom stamp from a picture of blurred text you prepared elsewhere. This would sit on top of the spot where you used the whiteout tool to redact the content. The stamp approach by itself isn't a good idea because even if you flatten the stamp, and then flatten the document, the text you're trying to hide is still there- you would need to convert to an image and then re-PDF to be sure no one could get at the text underneath the stamp.

You could also experiment with the Mark for Redaction tool, using custom text or codes to overlay the text you're redacting- this way something does show up on the spots where text was, and there's little extra work on your part or chance for things to go wrong by forgetting to do something.

Obviously none of these are a built-in blur tool, but maybe you can make one of these work until then.

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