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Error While Combining Files - Failed


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Hi guys, I am looking for some help here. I have Nitro Pro 10 and we just upgraded our office computer so we reinstalled Nitro 10 onto the new one and Nitro doesn't seem to want to work on the new PC and yes I did activate it. 

However, when I try to combine files such as a Word documents or PDF files, I get this error "(document file name).docx failed while bring created as a PDF. Would you like to continue?" 

I have tried the following

1. Going into support and updating the plug ins 

2. Repairing the program 

3. Uninstalling / Reinstalling the program 

4. Desactivate / Reactivating the program 

I'm not exactly sure what else to do. On the old PC it was working fine. 

Old PC specs - Windows 10 Home / Microsoft Office 2013 / i3 4GB RAM 

New PC specs - Windows 10 Pro / Microsoft Office 2016 / i3 4GB RAM  

Everything works perfectly when combining and creating files on the old PC when I use Nitro but when I use Nitro on the new PC it won't even let me convert a Word doc to a PDF I get "no creation" error message. 

I also used the same program executable when reinstalling it to make sure it was the same version. Please help!! 

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On 6/20/2018 at 2:23 PM, Steven Zakulec said:

The only thing I can suggest is making sure you installed the last version of Nitro 10- you can find a download link here: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/installer/000001632

Otherwise, you've covered all the bases- the PDF printer is in the plugins utility.

Hey Steven, I just wanted to say going to the last version of Nitro 10 worked. I did not have it beforehand but with your link, I downloaded it and it's all working fine. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!! 

Edited by Victorg997
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