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Status Aborted or Conversion Aborted


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I'm using Nitro Pro 12. When I print to Nitro PDF, A screen pops up (nitro pdf creator). About 20% of the time it reads "Conversion aborted" and the status reads "Aborted." I have to re-print the exact same document and it'll then be "successful." Why is it aborting? I never had this problem with my older version of Nitro 11.

Thanks - Mark

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  • 2 months later...

Same issue since spending 500 bucks on three licenses. It's never worked and the vendor won't support it unless I pay extra for online support. Talk about a rip off!

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Thank you Kelvin.

That half fixed the issue. I have it installed on a XenApp server. If I'm logged on directly as an admin on that server it works fine. However, if I launch a session to an application as a different user (i.e. using XenApp), I still get the "aborted" message.

One of the things I've noticed is that my admin account has a Nitro directory under the Appdata folder. The account I use from a Citrix client doesn't. I know that Nitro is supported on XenApp, but is there some special config required to install it?



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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @MattH,

You are most welcome!

Can you dm me any of your 3 licenses? 

With your XenApp setup, am I correct in assuming that the users are on their own desktop and running virtualized applications? If so, it is highly likely the issue will be with the virtualization of the printer service. If this is the case, I may need to provide a 'stand-alone printer' to be installed on their local machines.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello, I am having the same problem.  When I try to use Nitro as a printer for Revit 2018 it gives me the error "Conversion Aborted"

I have a trial license, so I don't think I can re-install it.  If I cannot print PDFs from Revit then I cannot use Nitro as a PDF program.

Please help with wither information to resolve this error or confirm that Nitro is not to be used with Revit and I should not purchase Nitro as it will not meet my needs for printing PDFs. 

Thank you!

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  • 6 months later...

Having same issue. "Conversion Aborted" I have updated to the latest version of Nitro and continue to have issues. I have to restart my computer every time when trying to print to PDF from Revit 19


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