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feature: Insert text at cursor ?


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Dear Support,

I've migrated from Adobe to Nitro Pro and I'm trying to find my way through this new software.  I usually use pdf's to make a lot of notes on them. A handy feature I frequently used in Adobe was Comments -> Insert text at cursor (namely that nice blue symbol in the shape of a triangle that once double-clicked, allows me to insert my own text). I found this particularly useful whenever I needed to add some text of my own, without needing to mess the original layout of the document, and in particular avoid strike-through anything that was already in the original document. I cannot find this feature in Nitro Pro. Can you please tell me if this exists, and if yes, where to find it?

The closest match that I found is Corrections -> Replace (just under Strikethrough and Underline), which indeed places the blue symbol I was looking for, but unfortunately I need to strike-through some text. 

Thank you,

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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @Stefan,

Thanks for posting on our community forums!

Would 'Add Note' work for you? The article about it can be found here:


If you wish to summarize,migrate or hide them, here's a helpful link: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/comment/000001606


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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for answering. What you suggest is a workaround with respect to the functionality that I was looking for. 

I take note that specifically the functionality that I need does not exist in Nitro Pro, and the I might need to change my way of working.


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