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Add a new line in the future and the text below shifts automatically


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So I writing a PDF document at the moment and I plan to edit and modify the text quite a bit in the future. At the moment, it seems like if I want to add several lines of text inside a paragraph box then the text overlaps with the next paragraph. I want the next paragraph and everything after that to shift automatically as I am adding new lines to my first paragraph (like for example what's happening as I'm typing here). How can this be done?

Of course, I can manually shift every box (of paragraphs, images etc.) down, but that is not feasible if my document is pretty large. I haven't explored all the nuances of Nitro PDF so I might be missing something really simple but I would really need some help on this. Thanks.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Leslie Villarin

Hello @konjecture,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!
Please note that Nitro Pro is not designed to be a Word Processing replacement, but is only meant for minor textual edits. If it helps, you may wish to convert it to Word file first and make edits there before re-converting it to PDF.

I hope that helps!

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