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Functionality Question - Print / Convert to PDF


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We have a user that used to use PrimoPDF but that is coming up with messages when printing on the latest version of Windows 10 so they are trialling NitroPDF.

They used to be able to select multiple jpg files in a folder and then drag them onto the PrimoPDF desktop shortcut and it would automatically convert the files and save them into the source folder. Having looked through the software I can't see this as being an option (not sure if it is just because it is in trial mode?). When dragging the files to the icon it converts and opens up the NitroPDF software and appears the files are saved temporarily in the %temp% directory, I then have to do batch print to PDF to save them. This isn't so bad but it prompts for a file location for every file and I couldn't find an option to set that to not prompt either.

Also I've read on here that when purchased you have the option to right click and convert to PDF. If you select multiple files with that does it merge them all into one PDF or individual PDFs? Does that automatically save into the source folder?

Thanks in advance.


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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

Hi, I think I can answer at least some of your questions.

When you are in File Explorer, if you right-click on a file (or files), you'll get the option to Convert to PDF or Combine files with Nitro Pro.  If you have only a single file, use Convert to PDF- Nitro will make the PDF, and as you saw, it will live temporarily in the Temp folder.  You can then press the Save button, and you'll be prompted to put the file somewhere else, so you don't need to re-PDF the file.

If you have multiple files you want to turn into a single PDF, use the Combine files option.  This pops up a dialogue box to allow you to set some options about the PDF, and add or remove files as needed.  Once you click Create, Nitro will ask where to save the file & what name.

If you use Convert to PDF with multiple files, Nitro will make a single file for each, asking you for a name each time.


Hopefully this answers your questions- if you have any more, just ask, or you can always reach out to support: https://www.gonitro.com/support/ticket.


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  • 5 months later...


on my computer I unfortunately do not have the functionality when using an explorer and doing an right click on one or more selected files.

The program itself is working fine. This is really strange. I am using Nitro Pro 11 on a Windows 7 computer.

Best REgards,


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