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OCR Option Notification when opening scanned document


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I have been using NitroPro since version 7 and really love the product.  I have even gotten our whole office to use it over the years.  We just up graded to the new NitroPro Version, and the one thing that is annoying me and others here is that with this new version, every time you open a document  the OCR option pops up and there is no button to click "do not show this again."  At our office we are open and closing large numbers of documents each day and for the large majority do not need to OCR the documents.  It is sort of irritating to have to constantly be clicking the close button on the OCR notice.  It would be really great if in future updates there is a "do not show this again" option, so that people who don't want that, can get rid of it.  This is a great product and my favorite PDF program.  Please consider the change suggested.

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Steven Zakulec

So, this option is really bizarrely labelled currently- to find it you go to File, Preferences, Notifications, and you'll see a line that says Product Messages.  Underneath that is a checkbox and a line that says Show in-product messages.

As far as I can tell, the only product message you don't see any more is the OCR notice when you uncheck that box.

Hope it helps!

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