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Save vs. Save As - Functionality Change

Guest Walt


Change the "Save vs. Save As" incremental updates so that  after a while it will merge some older changes and automatically reduce the file size if the user continues to select Save.

It seems the same incremental updates 'feature' is present in the Nitro Reader client too.  I have a user whose 111kb simple 1 page fill in form with only text and 4 form fields ballooned to 173Mb because he kept utilizing the same form, saving, and emailing it.

I don't believe this 'feature' makes sense in the Nitro Reader app, and should be maybe be a check box instead on the save dialog screen of Nitro Pro. 


I'm sure whatever speed improvements were gained in doing a quick save where eventually lost in the increased time it took to open the file when it became exponentially bigger.


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