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Volume license controls


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It seems that I have exceeded my 15 user Nitro Pro 11 count while developing the deployment method for my 15 users.  I only have 3 users licensed and the Activation reject any new attempts.  I There should be a method to allow a license to be revoked off a computer for the following possible reason:

1) Computer lost / stolen

2) Computer hard drive dies / re-install of operating system

3) Remote user leaves t he computer and computer not returned to the company

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I have.  It seems that they replying to me stating that our Nitro Pro license is not for server deployment installation.  I am not installing in on a server.  I just need to make sure that I have a method to pre-configure the Nitro Pro software and encrypt the company license.  I have remote users and we do not want them to "copy" the license all over the place. 

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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

Did you use the Nitro Deployment Utility to build an MST for the installer? With that, you don't have a license key floating around- just the installer + MST piece which has all of your changes & key in it.  There's an option to encrypt the key under the License section.

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Yes I did.  Then, I created a CND Batch (??.bat) file to automate the install process.  After, created a 7zip compressed file and following recommended steps, created a automatic 7zip extract installer file. 

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